Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hand building and wheel

On Saturday, I'm going to my first sculpting class since highschool. I'm super excited because I remember really enjoying it when I was a teenager, but not being able to afford it in college. I went to Armadillo Clay today and it's this nifty shop on East 4th that made me want to be a starving artist. I wouldn't let myself walk around because I knew I would end up with a bunch of stuff I wouldn't know how to use and end up killing my budget. But at some point I will go back just to wander through. I love bottles of color, I'm just not very good at making them look like something realistic. When I'm painting anyway. So hopefully the ceramicist inside me will take over, maybe this is what I'm supposed to be doing. You know, throwing pots and getting tired of all the "Ghost" references people throw at me. You never know, I might be the next... um... Michaelangelo? Rodin? I guess sculptors only get famous once they are really, really dead. I think painters get famous right after they die -- look at Jean Michele Basquiat right? He died and bam! Seriously, four years after his death, his work was displayed at the Whitney and he was suddenly renowned for his neo-expressionist graffitti art. Really? Yup. 10 years after his death one of his paintings sold for 3 million dollars. And then Metallica man Lars Ulrich beat it in 2002 by buying one for over 5 million. Hmm, I think to be true artist's artist you have to die of something accidentally, like an overdose, or a family member losing control or in some kind of transatlantic wreck. I think only one of those would apply to me. But be forewarned family! If I rule at pottery, I'm changing my will to have all my assets and future earnings as Sculptor Laureate bestowed to stem cell research IF I am killed by a family member. So don't get any ideas!

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