No - the title of this is not part of a blood test. It refers to one of the series of books I so love about a little wizard with a lightening scar on his forehead who is destined to eliminate the most terrible dark wizard of all time. Yes - that's the one. Aaron and I went to see the new HP movie in the theater last week and were left feeling like the kid who only got socks for Christmas. As the lights came up, we seriously looked at each other and just shrugged.
So like all HP fans, I will list out my grievances in my blog and fully reveal my nerdiness about this series -- (may I say before I begin, I never once went to band camp, and my husband started a sentence today with "Back when I was in SCA.." -- so I think my nerdom is quite eclipsed by others)
1. No Dumbledore funeral. No emphasis on how if he's alive, everything will be fine. Nothing about how Dumbledore is the only wizard Voldemort ever feared. Oh yeah, the old guy, he's dead, let's all raise our lit wands and magically, the dark mark will disappear! Gimme a break.
2. Don't get me wrong, I love Hermione. I love Emma Watson who plays Hermione. But come on. The girl's acting skills are equivalent to a Dawson's Creek extra. Her performance reminded me of the sighing-looking-into-space-teen-angst of those oh so popular tween vampire movies with Cedric Diggory. Sorry Herms.
3. Um horcruxes? What's that? I'm not sure because they never effing go into it and the importance of them. The cup? The ring? The snake? Nothing?
4. Not that Fleur Delacoeur and Bill's romance is a big deal and is key to plot, but I'm really wondering why it wasn't even mentioned as it's at their wedding that things go nuts in the next book. Or about Bill getting deformed?
5. Where the eff was the battle for Hogwarts? Where was all of the desolation or doom? The near misses because of the Lucky potion? I knew it was bad when Harry drank all of it instead of sipping it the first time.
6. Ginny and Harry? I don't get it from these movies. He doesn't even break up with her. What are they, the dream team now?
7. Not enough information. I know at the end of the book Harry is completely bewildered, but still knows it's the horcruxes and knows that death is inevitable for him. Dumbledore is dead. I wanted to scream that at him at the end of the movie. Dumbledore is dead! And Snape killed him you dumbass!!
8. Hey! Guess what? Did you know that deatheaters burn down the Burrow? No? Me neither. Did you know that Hermione bitches out Lavender? Me neither.
9. How many times do we need to show Draco pulling off the cloth cover of the cabinet? Like 8 times maybe?
10. My real gripe is that it's not the book verbatim -- and that is all.
All I have to say to these scriptwriter is.. Expelliarmus! Yes. Nerd. I know.
Cultural Differences About Sex
9 years ago