Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Okay, so I'm not.

Pregnant that is. And I'm fine with that. There was a 1-2% chance anyway and if you know me, you know I've never fallen into that percentage ever.

I just wish I had an easy explanation for why I've been so damn exhausted for the past week. It's exhausting being exhausted. And for hypochondriacs like me, the worst possible thing is not knowing why you're sick.

I'm pretty burnt out from work as you could probably tell from my last blog, but it has never made me physically ill before. I must be allergic to teleconferences. There goes my promotion..

I'm off for a 90 minute massage tonight. The peeps at Massage Envy called me and said "um, Mrs. Camp? You have 5 pre-paid hour massages, would you like to use one?"

I'm just not taking care of myself. You know I haven't had a real pedicure (ie, not me scraping my feet in my mini tub) since I got married? WTF? Apparently, after you get married your toes can get as gnarly and cuticley as ever without any consequences. It's not that I don't like pedicures, I do. But I really liked this chic up on Anderson Mill, her name was Lisa and she was awesome. So I don't wanna have to do my research to find a good pedicurist who doesn't talk shit about me in Vietnamese while she's shaving my callouses. Anyone got suggestions for South Austin manipedi?

I can't wait for my massage. I'm so tense that parts I never thought could get tense are tense. Like my chest..That's right. My boobs are tense. What? TMI? Okay, fine. Not really my boobs, whatever muscle is under my boobs and to the side of them which is not armpit fat is tense.

Oh! I'm gonna be late! Gotta go!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Burnout Baby

Dude. I am so done with everything. I need a vacay so bad I sometimes find myself longing to be cramped up in a smelly airplane. Seriously.

What's weird is I'm not even cooking or baking. And I always want to cook or bake. I'm not depressed or anything because when I'm depressed I don't wear makeup and I want to lay around all day. I'm not averse to doing something, I'm just not in the mood to be motivated to do something. Even write this blog.

As my colleagues in the UK say, I need a holiday.